In addition to the renowned Legend of Zelda series, Zelda Diablo is an action role-playing game that features Link, the protagonist from the game. Players will have to complete different tasks in the dungeon that has been randomly generated. They will have to collect power orbs and boomerangs to defeat the monsters. After defeating the enemies, they will get a new item that will make them stronger.
In this video game, players will take control of an evil character and fight to defeat it. The game's difficulty is very high, and the game is difficult to master. The difficulty will be higher compared to the original game, but you will not be bored because you're stuck in the same area over. In addition to the combat system, you will also need to learn more skills. You can use a weapon that will attack enemies with a single shot. This will help you to improve your skills.
In addition to the story, the game is also a role-playing game. The player will have to battle various enemies in order to gain experience points. They will use these points to increase their level. Once they reach a certain level, they will get stat points that they can invest into 6 main stats and talent points. This will make it easier to defeat your opponents. And since you will be able to use your powers in a more strategic way, you will be able to fight more powerful monsters.